Creating monthly content is crucial for any business– especially small business owners! Social media offers so many fun platforms and yields SO many benefits for business owners… but keeping up with online content can be super time-consuming.
Who has the time to create a content calendar when you’re always just trying to keep track of what day it is!? I know, I know! But I can promise you, no matter what industry you work in, creating content for your business is an excellent way to reach out to potential customers and engage with current ones.
As the Owner of five Puff & Fluff grooming locations across Phoenix, I’ve personally seen the benefits of creating a content calendar for my pet business. So, where to begin? Below, I’ve outlined the best way for you to create a content calendar for your business– no matter the industry!
1. Build a System
When starting out, don’t worry about the actual content you’ll be producing– that will come later!
First, it’s essential to decide where you’re going to keep this content organized. Remember, a ‘content calendar’ doesn’t have to look like the calendar that’s hanging in your kitchen. It can be something as simple as a ‘Sheets’ document in Google Drive. This way, you can easily access the content calendar from any computer, at any time. You’ll also be able to share this document with anyone else who may need access!
From there, you can decide whether you want to use different sheets or tabs for each day, week, month, etc. BONUS Tip: Using varying colors in the document can also help to differentiate between different content. No matter how you choose to create this calendar, make sure you’re consistent with it!
2. Choose Platforms
Now that you have a system in place for creating your content calendar, you’ll need to figure out where you plan to post your content. Will this content be posted on a blog? Across various social media platforms like Twitter and Linkedin? Will you be posting photos on the other two social media giant platforms?
Remember, just because a platform exists, doesn’t mean it’s right for your business. Once you have your platforms in place, make sure each account is consistent with your branding.
All accounts should have the same profile photo, bio, and theme. Your mission should be clear to your audience, no matter which platform they happen to find you on.
3. Brainstorm Ideas
This is where business owners often get stuck! The key here is to tap into your customer base. What is your audience looking for? How can you help to educate your consumers? I like to look at the current industry trends and create blogs and social media posts around those happenings.
Another way I come up with content ideas is by looking at upcoming ‘holidays.’ Whether it’s Adopt-A-Cat Month or World Smile Day, there are plenty of fun days and events to create content around. Do you sell specific products, either online or in-store?
You can create informative content around those products too! This is a great way to engage your customers rather than strictly ‘sell’ to them– create content that informs them. If they understand the benefits, they’ll be more likely to purchase your products and/or services.
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Learn the exact content roadblocks holding you back from having a feed that attracts new followers without getting stuck in “type of post” overwhelm...and a bonus exercise to help you get clear on your next step all in one guide.
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4. Get Organized
You have a system, you know where you’ll be posting your content, and you have a huge list of content topics and ideas…now what? It’s time to organize your content in a way that makes sense for you and your business! Break up your list of ideas into days, weeks, and months based on your original calendar content sheet that you’ve created.
Decide when you’re going to post and how often– remember, consistency is key. Nobody is going to continue to follow your account or blog if you’re only posting once every three weeks. While you don’t want to bombard your followers, you do want to engage with them on a consistent basis. Remind them of why you’re in business and what you can offer them!
Still feeling stuck? I can help!
Creating a content calendar for your business can take quite a bit of time– and let’s face it, not all of us can be witty wordsmiths! I can help you to engage your audience with meaningful content without you ever having to write a word. How? I’ll learn all about the products, services, and values unique to your business. Then, together, we’ll brainstorm topics relevant to your customer base! You’ll receive custom online content delivered monthly, including:
- A monthly newsletter
- Two blog posts
- 20 quotes (with IG Story Graphics)
- 8 social media blurbs
- ADD ONs: PR pitch, additional blogs
Stop sweating over monthly content, and start engaging with your client base online!