You have tons of ideas…what now?
Most people think that all it takes to start a successful business is having that one million-dollar idea. Or having tons of great ideas.
The reality is that ideas and business success are not the same.
If you have a business or want to start one, of course, you need a great idea for the product or service you will offer…
…but if you can’t implement that idea and create a business surrounding it, you will not succeed.
Because ideas do not equal dollars.
I have new ideas every single day for my business! But it’s just not realistic to run with every single one of them.
So, how do you go from IDEA to BUSINESS?

Start with a List
Make a list of all your ideas in one place. As you go through your list, examine if each idea or concept aligns with your passions, goals, strengths, and resources. Ask yourself: Can I DO this? This is not the place to lie to yourself or exaggerate your abilities. Be honest about whether or not you could move forward and do everything needed (or have a team) to make that idea into a reality.

Refine the Idea List
Next to each idea, look for the “pain points” and write them down. What problem does your idea solve? Who is the target market for your idea? Are they willing to pay money for your solution? This is a great time to ask for feedback from your team, your customers, anyone! Do they like the idea and is it something they would want/use?
Go through the remaining implementable ideas and rate them as to which you want to do NOW, which might come SOON and which ones are a SOMEDAY idea. If you have more than one “now” idea, decide which one is your top priority, looking at things like if you have the resources currently to implement it, which one is more likely to generate revenue faster, and how much time and money it will cost to run with it.

Create a Plan
It’s time to make an implementation plan!
Take your #1 “now” idea and create a step-by-step map of actions needed to put the idea in place. Include deadlines for each step, cost, and who will do each task.
For example, if you run a coaching business and your plan is to implement group coaching, you’ll need to break down things like finding the right venue or virtual meeting software, how many people you can reasonably coach in each group, adding the service to your website (copywriting, SEO, website development, design, etc.), a marketing and advertising campaign/plan, marketing tools like email drip campaigns, social media posts, and blogging (copywriting, SEO, managing the process, etc.), and more before actually launching your new service.
You want a blueprint from the beginning (idea) to end (goal).
As you are creating your blueprint, it is important to identify areas where you might need help. Do you need to hire a copywriter or a marketing team? This will help determine if you and your current team can implement the plan or if you need to get outside help or hire a new team member.

Follow the Plan
Then it is time to start implementing your plan one step and task at a time! Systematically go through your blueprint and make sure you are asking for help or making adjustments as needed.
Of course, writing it out like this makes it sound so easy, right?!
I know it is sometimes a long and difficult process. And sometimes, you get stuck or a new idea strikes or you’re so close to the idea that you can’t see a different angle. In those cases, having an outside team can be the exact push you need!
At Liz Illg Consulting, our team works with you to understand every facet of your goals and then designs a customized launch blueprint for you – and we can even implement the plan and help with post-launch needs, too! We even already have the content and marketing staff to make it happen.
The value of having someone with a proven track record of success in the digital space, someone who just knows what needs to be done is immeasurable. You can save your time and energy growing the business you already launched and coming up with your next great idea while your next launch is already moving forward.
Are you ready to implement your next big idea? Let’s make you some money!
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